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SWE Officer and Chair Positions Available

Email if you are interested in any open positions

Scholarship and Fundraising Chair – Self-Nominated

If you have been on the fence about helping to support SWE, then now is your opportunity to consider a leadership position. We are in need of a fundraising and scholarship chair to plan and organize fundraising opportunities to support funding as need for the annual scholarship, Girls Engineer It Day, and other events. Responsibilities include communicating with benefactors and collaborating with the Communications team. As well as organizing the scholarship by sending out applications and running a committee to review applications and award the scholarship.
Description of executive council positions can be found here: Officer/Chair Roles and Responsibilities

Photographer – Self-Nominated

As a part of the Communications Team, the Photographer will work to collect and take photos from SWE and community events. They will also manage and organize images to support the Social Media and Website Chair.
Description of executive council positions can be found here: Officer/Chair Roles and Responsibilities

Social Media Chair – Self-Nominated

The Social Media Chair works to maintain and update all social media platforms. These include Twitter, Instagram, and Facebooks. As part of the communications team, they collaborate with the Photographer and Website Chair to help keep our members informed.
Description of executive council positions can be found here: Officer/Chair Roles and Responsibilities