Become an Officer

SWE Officer and Chair Positions Available

Current Open Positions:

  • Vice President
  • ​Website Chair
  • Social Media / Communication Chair

Executive Council Roles

Council Descriptions – Elected Positions

Vice President (~1-2 hr/wk)

  1. Assume the duties of the president if the president is temporarily unable to serve; 
  2. Provide oversight and guidance to the committee chairs as assigned; 
  3. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the president, the executive council, or the governance documents;
  4. Nominate Members & Section for Awards

Chair & Committee Descriptions – Self-Nominated

Communications Team & Committee Members
Comprised of:

  • Website Chair,
  • Social Media Chair,
  • Secretary, (Elected from above section)
  • Photographer 
  1. Social Chair: Maintain and update all social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook).
  2. Website Chair: Maintain and improve the website.
  3. Secretary: Create the Newsletter and send to the members monthly
  4. Photographer: Collect and take photos from SWE and community events

This team works together to share the information and send it to the members in a timely manner.