The Savannah Coastal Empire SWE will be awarding scholarships to high school senior who identify as a woman, are intending to enroll at an ABET accredited university for the upcoming school year, and will be majoring in an engineering, computing, or engineering technology program. 

Congratulations to our 2024 academic scholarship recipients!
We are excited to support them as they start their engineering journey.

1st place:
Milena Bridgman, graduated from Hershel V Jenkins High School, pursuing a Bachelors of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology.

2nd place:
Cha’Niyah Sims, graduated from Hershel V Jenkins High School, pursuing a Bachelors of Interactive Design at Kennesaw State University.

3rd place:
Kyleigh Quillian, graduated from Herschel V Jenkins High School, pursuing a Bachelors of Environmental Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology.

  • Frist Place: $2,000
  • Second Place: $1,000
  • Third Place: $500

The student must be currently enrolled in high school in one of the following Georgia or South Carolina counties: Beaufort, Bryan, Chatham, Effingham, Jasper, Liberty, Long or McIntosh.
The scholarship application will be open February 1st through March 31st 2025. 

What you to complete (linked below):

1. Applicant must be currently enrolled as a high school senior in one of the following Georgia and South Carolina counties: Beaufort, Bryan, Chatham, Effingham, Jasper, Liberty, Long or McIntosh.
2. Applicant must intend to major at an ABET accredited university in engineering, computing, or engineering technology program.
3. Applicant must be able to provide proof of enrollment if chosen as a scholarship recipient for the coming academic year, starting in the fall.
4. Applicant must identify as a woman.
5. Application must be emailed and/or postmarked by March 31st.
1. A minimum of one $2000 scholarship will be awarded.
2. Scholarship recipients will be notified no later than May 31st, 2024. Non-recipients will be notified.

Please Share the Linked Flyer with Seniors you know!

Additional Scholarships to Consider

In addition to the scholarship above, later this year we will be adding an additional special scholarship to honor our dear friend and SWE member, Preeti Menon. Please check out the website in the coming weeks for more information about how to apply.
Julian & Jan Hester Memorial Scholarship
The Change Agent Scholarship Award
11 Scholarships for Women in STEM | ELFI
STEM Scholarships for Black & African American Students | ELFI